The flow-chart
On the night between the 22:nd and 23:rd of January I was watching the Trump senate trial which inspired me to create a picture that has since then been making the rounds on social media
“Claim house investigation is a sham due to lack of evidence
Refuse to hand over evidence due to investigation being a sham!”
This picture was first porsted in this thread in the subreddit of r/PoliticalHumor/ with the title “Found this flow-chart”
As of this moment (20/01/25 – 17:46 GMT+1), the post has recived over 28,000 upvotes and the image hosted on Imgur has been showed over 300,000 times.
The image has been shared multiple times on social media, most prominently on Twitter, I do not mind people sharing this, actually I encourage it.
Below are some examples of prominent tweets
The GOP “defense”:
— Liddle’ unbalanced (@unfairunbalancd) January 25, 2020
Deny, lie, obstruct, repeat. #TrumpDefense
— Jamie Ford (@JamieFord) January 25, 2020
Whoever made this impeachment flowchart is a genius.
— Adam Best (@adamcbest) January 23, 2020
There it is.
— John Pavlovitz (@johnpavlovitz) January 24, 2020
The other 98%
Recently picked up and shared the image as well.
We resist
Followed their lead
The Mary Sue
Newspaper picked up the tweet from Adam Best and it has been featured twice.
- “Trump having a full-on Impeachment meltdown on twitter”
- “Welp, that’s about it for the impeachment”
The image has gone through various interpretations.